Wednesday, 1 October 2008

A'Broad - day ten to the end....

Day Ten: Hickling to Barton Turf: a lot of today was spent waiting for the tide to fall far enough to get under the Potter Heigham bridge!!! Had to fill up with as much water as we could, and the pilot was planning to get extra manpower to weigh the boat down if needed... as it was we went through at full speed, heads ducked low and cleared it by about 2 inches... Moored up at a point about 30 minutes from the boatyard, to return in time the following day. (my only mooring manoeuvre! I actually did it, after all this time!)

Day Eleven: from Barton Turf to returning the boat at Stalham. I'm very glad we didn't do this at the weekend, given how busy the boatyard was.....

We had fun.... I think we managed to cover just about all the Broads - at least as far as we could given the size limitations of the boat - and maybe we pushed the envelope a bit there too! Glorious scenery, wonderful wildlife, and the weather wasn't bad, except that it chose to rain whenever we had to take the screen and canopy down to go through a low bridge!

a Googlemap  of our travels is here.


Sue Deere said...

Beautiful photos Mad! Partcularly amazing skies; the joy of a flat landscape (and a talented photographer!).

mad said...

Thanks, Sue - a lot of them are my brother's pics - i think he's better than me!!!

Sue Deere said...

Mad - you're too modest; accept it woman, you're pretty darn talented at many, many things.